Friday, November 9, 2007


Alright, so without keeping to the general theme of my blog, I'm going to answer a couple of your questions. I'm posting about this, because said people did not leave their names, and therefore, I cannot approach them in RL (real life) and discuss the ever so interesting questions they have asked. Anyhow, here's the answers.

Number1: No, my buddy never did find his glasses, but he had spares, and is getting some new ones soon.

Number2: I am feeling much better now thank you, was just a slight fever and sore throat, but thank you for your concenr.

And that's all of them. Thank you again for posting, but please, it is important that you sign your name at the end of the post so I know who you are. Thanks so much, come again soon.

-Will C-Marshall-

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