Thursday, November 29, 2007


Alright people, here's the deal.

26 days left in the poll, make sure you vote. So far, only 8 people have voted, and me NOT dying my hair seems to be the winning option. Tell your friends about my site, and tell them to vote. What ever!

About my absence:

I've found it really hard these past few weeks to make time, and to feel motivated to blog. I'm trying to make time, as well as find the motivation, so bare with me.

Expect a full detailed post on my philosophy journal, I got it back, and I got a mark for it, even though he said they weren't going to be marked. Oh well, no biggie.

I invite you all to check out the links at the bottom of my page which lead to, a website devoted to using to download music, pdfs, free university courses, ringtones and large files such as albums. All of this is done through google and is therefore only barely stepping over the legal terms. It also downloads music faster than ANY and ALL P2P networks. Doesn't get much better than that, now does it?

Also, make sure to check out my sisters blog, The Life and Times of Ren And-Then-Some. It's a great blog, funny, and intelligent. So if you're bored with my blog, feel free to check it out.

I'll be putting up some new links, specifically a site called 'The Fischbowl' which I think is just wonderful. Once it's up, you'll all just have to go there and see what it is.

In a less serious matter, I won't be blogging till at least monday. I've gotten my boss to lower my hours to about 9 a week (Hot dawg! That's awesome!) But in light of people not being to work, I'm doing him a favor and working 21 hours this week, most of it during the weekend. So, I figure he owes me something. ;)

If you see weird tags in my posts, (tags being search items, or referrence notes) don't be alarmed. I learned from my sister, that the best way to get hits on your site is to put tags with commonly used searched. So, if you see sexy, or large *explitive deleted* sometimes, do not worry! It's all for the greater good.

Thanks for being understanding, and I look forward to posting again soon.

1 comment:

Ren said...

Right on Q-Tip! Thanks for plugging ma-blog.

Oh and thanks-a-mill for posting that google, P2P site thinger. I'm stoked to be all up in that pee hole.



PS> Need to talk to you about some idears...wot wot