Friday, March 14, 2008

Pi Day!

Well people, the long awaited day is here. 18 years have I waited this day, only to realise that it is no more special than any other. I am, of course talking about my 18th birthday.

Today is a day that signifies my stepping into manhood, and taking on the responsibilities that life has seen fit to shove into my arms.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm excited. I'm 18, I'm legal in most ways now. I can get a credit card and pay for things with money that isn't mine, and then pay off what I owe at the end of the month, I can buy lottery tickets. That about sums it up, as far as I can think, although I'm sure there are more.

But there's an even better reason to celebrate today, aside from my birthday. Today is not only my birthday, but that of Einstein as well. Some of you might know him, others, might not and should read a book.

Yes, my birthday happens to fall under that of a famous figure, but more importantly, if you look at my blog name, 'piguywill', you'll notice that pi is a mathematical number, which is equal to 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510, ect. But the most important thing to realise, is that today, March 14th, is the international day of pi! That's right, although it is just a coincidence I chose pieguy as my blogger name, and later agreed with my sister on changing it to pi, I somehow feel it is destiny. And the fact that I turn 18 on my first celebration of international pi day, make it all that much sweeter.

Here's hoping everyone has a happy Pi-Day,



Anonymous said...

i hate cake instead of pie :(
it was good though! happy pi day to all!

Anonymous said...

oops that should be HAD cake. i do not hate cake. or pie.
i'm hungry now. boo.

Feminist Catalyst said...

That is straight up CUHRAZY! And fantastic.

Bonne fete monsieur tarte.